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Business & Consumer Policies

The following page contains our business and consumer policies in order to make the experience of being a consumer, and a business owner, as seamless as it can be.

The Customer Accountability Policy is an agreement that you (as a consumer) will digest and read all the information related to your purchase before doing the following:
1) Emailing the business and asking if your order has shipped yet.
2) Using our various contact forms to ask for a status update.
3) Contacting us via social media through DM's or Comments about your order, and when you will receive your order.  

In order to make your experience the best it can be, we expect the following in this circumstances, that you:
A) Read the product details and/or description of the item you ordered
B) Review our FAQ page for questions if they were not answered by performing action A.
C) Checking your email for any order-related emails from Dark Mother Clothing (including Junk, Promo, and Spam folders)

If your question is still not answered after completing both actions A , B, and C please submit an Order Inquiry form from the menu above.

If after you (the consumer) submits an Order Inquiry Form and does not receive a response back from Dark Mother Clothing within 24-48 hours, it means the answer to your question is located on the website in one of those two main categories (FAQ or Product Description). There is a societal norm for the need of instant communication and instant gratification that is not realistic for any smaller sized business to perform. We expect our consumers, as adults with adult money, to do the proper due diligence in their purchases and financial endeavors.


Dark Mother Clothing will no longer be replying back to those emails due to the information being readily available, and having lack of personal bandwidth to answer common questions. 

The Customer Accountability Policy

The Right to Refuse Poor Treatment Policy is an policy that Dark Mother Clothing can exercise when poor treatment from consumer to business occurs.  We understand that as a consumer, your hard earned money is important to you, as well as the items you spend your hard earned money on. What is not acceptable is in the event of frustration, that you as a consumer engage in poor, harassing treatment of a business or the community the business supports. This could look like the following examples:
1) Emailing Dark Mother Clothing for being disappointed in the result of an order, and using inflammatory language or throw inflammatory insults to get your point across. 
2) Using Dark Mother Clothing's political views as a way to insult us as a business (we are feminists, supporters, and advocates to women, non-toxic men, women's rights and reproductive healthcare, the marginalized, BIPOC, and LGBTQIA+ communities, as well as the findings of science. If this does not vibe with you, we don't need to hear from you. Please do not shop with us in the future if any of the above causes you personal disdain.)  

If Poor Treatment occurs, Dark Mother clothing has the right to:
1) Cancel an open or pending order and refund your purchase

2) Block your contact information from our social media and email list

Right to Refuse Poor Treatment Policy

The Pre-Order Cancellation & Refund Policy is a shop policy. When participating in a pre-order, you are purchasing the space for an item to be created from nothing. In some cases this is also known as "made to order." Pre-Orders typically take a few months at a time for items to be made from scratch, and cannot be refunded or cancelled due to this.

Benefits of a business performing a pre-order is that items are claimed as they ordered, vs. purchasing bulk items and contributing to waste of material or items being thrown away into landfills if the items do not sell in the way the business intended.

The only time a pre-order may be cancelled and refunded, is in the event the business does not obtain enough purchases or engagement in order to complete the minimum order quantity set by the manufacturer and business relationship. This situation will always be communicated to the buyers so they understand the pre-order was unsuccessful, and refunds are on their way.

Pre-Order Cancellation & Refund Policy

Damages or Order Discrepancies Policy is a shop policy. 

In the event a consumer receives an item that is damaged, or there is an order discrepancy, the customer must do the following to ensure the problem has an opportunity to be investigated, and corrected if necessary.

1) Submit photos or video of the item if damaged, or incorrect from the order placed within 24-48 hours of delivery. At maximum, Dark Mother Clothing is will to investigate orders of this nature until 15 days post-purchase.


2) Explain the details of the order / what occurred if anything that attributed to the damage (i.e. package looked rough upon delivery, or the item appeared to be broken/damaged after opening, etc.)

This allows us to take the evidence submitted of damage, and contact our manufacturers or vendor partners to see if the item can be replaced, or if it was a mistake on our end and will re-fulfill the contents appropriately.

3) If necessary to perform an exchange of a damaged item, Dark Mother Clothing may request the previous item back via mail in order to send the new piece of merchandise. This does not apply to clothing items. Please feel free to donate any clothing items that may be incorrect, and we will work with you to ensure you receive your correct items. 

Please note, if the investigation finds the damages that occurred to the item are not possible unless the item was personally tampered with and destroyed in a means to obtain new merchandise or a refund, Dark Mother Clothing will deny the damage/discrepancy claim.

Damages or Order Discrepancies Policy

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